
Here is why we call this section the Laboratory

January 31, 2008 admin

This 3 legged table has a good chance of graduating into the Catalog just like it is. In fact the top is better proportioned than its 4-legged tendril cousin.


This 4 legged table probably wont make the cut because store owner tell us square glass is bad, very bad.


This is a base that has lots of potential. Different shapes and the scroll work is interesting. Perhaps a different top will make it work. Stay tuned for changes.


Another base that’s got a lot of interesting potential but the top isnt quite right. We just have to make stuff over and over until we get it right.


A familiar look but new dimensions. We make this leg and top all the time but it looks good in this 30″ round top. Now if only we could figure out how to make UPS deliver it without charging a bundle.



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