
Kraftig Platform Bed with Cushioned Headboard

February 07, 2012 admin

Platform version with a cushioned Pendleton wool fabric headboard. Follow this link for further details:

Hello world!

January 31, 2012 admin

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Kraftig Canopy Bed

January 25, 2012 admin

My new favorite bed. A King Kraftig Canopy Bed. Look here for more details and purchasing information:

Classy Kraftig Bed

November 22, 2011 admin

Another version of the Kraftig Bed. This queen size built with a silver colored tube frame. Classy.

Another Kraftig Bed

September 27, 2011 admin

In the same way a biologist will document the finding of every variation of a new species so I am going to keep posting every Kraftig Bed. So far, each has been unique in proportion and scale and as Ronnie … Continue reading