Kraftig Platform Bed with Cushioned Headboard
February 07, 2012 • admin
Platform version with a cushioned Pendleton wool fabric headboard. Follow this link for further details:
Hello world!
January 31, 2012 • admin
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Kraftig Canopy Bed
January 25, 2012 • admin
My new favorite bed. A King Kraftig Canopy Bed. Look here for more details and purchasing information:
Classy Kraftig Bed
November 22, 2011 • admin
Another version of the Kraftig Bed. This queen size built with a silver colored tube frame. Classy.
Another Kraftig Bed
September 27, 2011 • admin
In the same way a biologist will document the finding of every variation of a new species so I am going to keep posting every Kraftig Bed. So far, each has been unique in proportion and scale and as Ronnie … Continue reading