
Portable Wine Table for the Lawn

July 13, 2009 admin

This is a clever idea but I can take no credit. A lovely lady wanted such a thing to give as a gift. We simply made it up, Delia style. The idea is that the shaft goes into the ground … Continue reading

Summer Time Welding Fun

June 22, 2009 admin

Welding Class is much more fun with the shop doors open wide and lovely summer breezes blowing through.                                              … Continue reading

A look about the yard

May 25, 2009 admin

Things in Delia’s yard:                                                                         … Continue reading

The Junior Welding Society

May 21, 2009 admin

This magnificent collection of 4ish year olds came to Delia to make art and fixtures for the Growing Seeds School garden. I think I can say it was fun. Sorry for the picture quality. I don’t have one those lenses … Continue reading

Dressing Mirror

May 15, 2009 admin

Free standing mirror on treated plate steel. Functional and lovely. $250 15″ x 56″ mirror. It looks better with the mirror attached.