These people made something fun
April 07, 2008 • admin
Here are some pictures of class particpants and their projects:
Abacus Table
April 07, 2008 • admin
This is a Kendall LeCompte classic. The ceramic bits slide adding color and fun to a standard console table.
Fused Glass Table Tops
April 07, 2008 • admin
Sorry for the posting interruption. New web site, new blogging software. These tables are the start of a new project incorporating the instant appeal of fused glass with a Delia base. The goal is to make some beautiful tables for … Continue reading
Jewelry Case #1
March 13, 2008 • admin
We have been asked repeatedly to build jewelry cases and have done dozens. Almost all have been locally delivered. Here is our first attempt to build one that is sized to be functional and shippable. Estimate cost: $450. Estimate Shipping … Continue reading
Delia goes a gardening
March 13, 2008 • admin
The sun is shining (for the moment) buds are blooming and every other Portlander is red eyed with allergies. It must be garden time. For Delia that means we get to wander into the yard and play with left over … Continue reading