
Delia Employs Child Labor.

June 22, 2006 admin

Check out our new master cutter, Celia McLean. And for only $2.25 an hour!!!

Show Us Some Delia

June 22, 2006 admin

One thing that is always a battle for us is the attempt to convince people that our work fits into a wide range of decors and that one need not have every apsect of an environment designed with a single … Continue reading

Dingle Table

June 03, 2006 admin

The ceramic balls underneath are various earth tones. Top is glass. Sizes vary.

Lit Table with Glass Shards

June 03, 2006 admin

This table it lit from beneath. There are shards of tumbled glass layed between the top and bottom panes of glass. Various sizes available.

Showroom Photos Day 1

June 03, 2006 admin

One of the fun things about our new space is a showroom where we get to put all of our one of kind items. Its open to the public and always changing.