Wall Unit for Wine Bottles
October 01, 2007 • admin
This piece is a solid span. About 8 feet wide. Could be made in sections for shipping. Under each shelf is a pair of parallel rods where a screw can be used for mounting. This system means you dont have … Continue reading
Jumbo Coffee Table
September 04, 2007 • admin
If we didnt have to ship stuff our lives would be so much nicer. Here is our best selling KL-57-CC, coffee table with copper wash but in a big size. 55×28. Its looks really great. Dang you UPS, dang you.
Putting our Dingles in the Yard
September 04, 2007 • admin
A “Dingle” is a little piece of kiln fired clay that we paint with pretty colors. Thought that they were so much fun that we should make some for the garden.
The Garrett’s Win a Day With Delia
August 21, 2007 • admin
As winner’s of a charity auction the Garrett Family got to spend an afternoon making things at our Portland studio. But if the bidding had been based upon talent then they could have scored the prize with no money down. … Continue reading
A Bench in the Park
August 18, 2007 • admin
Here is one of two benches we are making for a large mall in California. What is different about this is that it curves inward and that there are no ends. I put the photo with Delia’s #1 production king … Continue reading