Custom Corner Shelving Unit
June 28, 2007 • admin
Here is a custom piece made for the good people at Fire Opal in Jamaica Plain, MA. Based upon our Tea Trolley. But changed for maximizing use of corner placement. Delia does custom work.
River Reed Bed
June 27, 2007 • admin
The River Reed bed is made of 1/2″ steel rod and emulates the gentle motion of water. Soothing.
Dingle Time
June 20, 2007 • admin
Fun with Dingles. These tables are steel. The little colored dingles are ceramic. Very shippable. Very easy to do custom sizing.
Ivan McLean’s Bench for Children’s Playground
June 02, 2007 • admin
Ivan made this bench for the Chapman School Playground.
Ivan at Work
June 02, 2007 • admin
Ivan Mclean does not stop working. So, if you are wondering what he has been up to here is a peek. These and many more can be seen at Springbox Gallery in NW Portland.