
Shop Class

March 17, 2011 admin

Mixing it up with a dozen boys from the Catlin Gabel School.

A Saturday Class in December

December 04, 2010 admin

Good Projects. End Table with Wine Storage, Bench and Coat Tree

Things for the Yard

September 18, 2010 admin

Today’s group made things for the yard. Trellis and a table to go along side the grill.

3 New Tables

February 01, 2010 admin

A nice variation of some existing ideas. The coffee table is based upon the Shaker Bench. The console is a new size using some common tube and flat stock and the end table makes use of a simple spiral for … Continue reading

Welding Class…a chair

November 21, 2009 admin

Today we made a chair. Fun. I would like to have a whole class of chairs. Let me know if you agree.